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"Thanks to impermanence,

everything is possible".


Thich Nhat Hahn

Why coaching?


If you have never tried coaching before you may think it’s not for you. Coaching is for everyone.  I am here to empower you to become the best YOU.  How?  Coaching is simple.  In its purest form it’s about deep listening.  As the coach I provide deep listening; offering empathetic, supportive, honest and trusting listening.  I am sensitive to all facets of my experience; external, internal and contextual and by sharing this insight with you I enable you to grow and transform.  It sounds simple right?  But do you remember the last time someone really listened to you with all their senses?  Do you remember what it felt like and what it enabled you to do?  When you find that true connection with your coach you will transform and you will grow, you will achieve your goals.

What to expect


All conversations are completely confidential.  I adhere to the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Code of Conduct and we will both sign a coaching contract that follows the EMCC code.


I recommend that we start with a 30 minute chemistry session to make sure that we both feel that we can work together and have an initial discussion about the topic you’d like to cover.  At this point we agree the number of sessions the coaching agreement will cover.  This is usually between 3 -6 sessions.  At the end of the 6 sessions it’s possible to continue with more if you wish.

Coaching sessions last an hour, and can be either face to face or via video link.  Whichever you prefer.  

During each session we will explore the objective / topic you wish to discuss.  I may ask you to complete some work in between sessions such as journaling to help you achieve your goal. 


You take the lead during the sessions and I will guide and support with whatever it is you wish to explore.  We may use some coaching models to help deepen your understanding of the situation but this will be your choice at the time.  It is my job to shine a light and reflect back different perspectives of the information that you share with me, and to deepen your current understanding of the situation and help you achieve your goal.


All you need to do is come with an open mind, ready to receive new perspectives.  You will be given the space to think and you will experience the transformative power of being listened to with a felt- sense depth of attention.  You will feel safe and secure to be able explore your inner thoughts and beliefs.  To get the most out of the sessions you must be committed to taking action outside each session to reap the true benefits of the coaching conversations.  I will offer honest and sometimes challenging feedback that will give you choices to grow and transform. With the right focus and determination you will experience a transformational shift in your perspectives and this will offer choices and trigger positive change in you.

What to do next


Call me on 07919990249 for a chat to find out more and see if I can help you.  

Alternatively email me at



One hour sessions cost £100 - £175, price set within this range at your discretion.  


Contact me

Tel: 07919 990249

​Email: â€‹



Thatcham, Berkshire, UK

Thank you for your message, I will be in touch as soon as possible.

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